
Rice Ritu­al, 2006

Per­form­ance, digit­al video, HD 1920 × 1080 16:9
12:04 min
Filmed in Toge, Niigata, Japan
Cam­era and sound by Nina Pope, Barn­aby Hosking
Trans­lat­or / inter­pret­er: Aiko Goodenough
Pho­to­graphy by Jam­ie Goodenough
Com­mis­sioned and pro­duced by Grizedale Arts as part of the Grizedale Arts res­id­ency pro­ject Sev­en Samurai’
Sup­por­ted by Ech­igo Tsumari Tri­en­nale, Japan

Res­id­ents of Toge village 

Vil­lage Hall, Toge, Niigata, Japan 

How can we suc­cess­fully sell rice in the future? 

The rur­al vil­lage of Toge invited Grizedale Arts to work with them. Sev­en artists from the UK lived in the vil­lage for a month, work­ing with the vil­la­gers. The pro­ject cul­min­ated in attempt­ing to gen­er­ate a sense of self-determ­in­a­tion in the age­ing com­munity. The people of Toge pre­pared a feast in the vil­lage hall and the lead­er of the vil­lage asked Coates a ques­tion on behalf of the community.

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