
Arrivals/Departures, Rituals

To mark cer­tain days in this nature cal­en­dar, Coates devised a series of rituals and per­form­ances to bring atten­tion to these events in nature. These per­form­ances were col­lab­or­a­tions with volun­teers, spe­cif­ic interest groups and the gen­er­al pub­lic. They all took place in the vicin­ity of Utrecht Cent­ral Sta­tion and the adja­cent shop­ping mall. The aim of these events is that they can be taken on by the pub­lic to be adap­ted and assim­il­ated into the social activ­ity of the human year as a cus­tom or con­tem­por­ary folk ritual.

Com­mis­sioned by Pub­lic Works, Utrecht